La Rambla

Life on Barcelona's Ramblas still pulsates as if the collective memory keeps the pulse of history.

Comparative from La Rambla historical reference and actual image from La Rambla
La Rambla, ever-transforming, changing, and endless, bear witness to a collective task carried out by the passion of a family of Flamenco artists at the legendary Tablao Flamenco Cordobes. The stage of the Tablao Flamenco Cordobes is internationally recognized by the most demanding professional elites as one of the most important in the history of these spaces dedicated to pure Flamenco. All the historical significance and prestige of the Tablao Flamenco Cordobes is reflected in its new brand: "El Duende by Tablao Cordobes", at Ramblas 33 in Barcelona. The magical shows of El Duende by Tablao Cordobes allow you to enjoy authentic Flamenco performed by the most outstanding Flamenco talents in Barcelona and the rest of Spain, including rising stars.

Painting from flamenco dancers in Tablao Cordobes Parking

But, what is La Rambla? Why is it so important for Barcelona?

Las Ramblas gets its name from the old riverbed that used to carry torrents of rainwater from the mountains (the Collserola mountain range) to the sea, crossing the city of Barcelona. Over the years, Barcelona's water channeling followed this course. However, with the construction of the old wall in the 15th century, this channel was diverted and around this new course, convents began to be built, which were later dispossessed along with the new buildings that were being constructed after the demolition of the wall. It was between 1700 and 1860 that the spaces were repurposed for other public uses, consolidating Las Ramblas as the first place of public space in Barcelona, already transformed into a civic promenade flanked by new houses and by the trees of chocolates and elms that were later replaced by banana trees.

Sky view from Barcelona

Over the years, the city has consolidated its presence with beautiful residential buildings and local stores. Strolling along La Ramblas is to let oneself be enveloped by the magic of its people, the unique theaters, palaces, floral kiosks, the Boqueria market inaugurated in 1840, the Liceu theatre inaugurated in October 1999, and the bustling Plaza Real. In it, there was the Capuchin convent of Santa Madrona, demolished in 1835 and it was Antonio Gaudí himself who designed the lampposts of the square where the fountain of the three graces, built in 1876, also stands out.

Plaza Real fountain in La Rambla Barcelona

In the theatre square (transition between La Rambla de Capuchinos and Santa Monica), sketchers and painters portray human figures and landscapes next to the main theatre, which is the oldest theatre in the city and in all of Spain.

Other important buildings on La Rambla de los Capuchinos accompany the Gran Teatro del Liceo, such as the Oriente Hotel, a survivor of the old splendors of the promenade, which hides the surprising cloister of the old college of San Buenaventura.

La Rambla also houses the Poliorama Theater, located on the first floor of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona, inaugurated in 1894. In addition, two remarkable buildings bid farewell to this Rambla: the church of Bethlehem, one of the few examples of Baroque Barcelona, built in 1553, and the Palace of the Marquis of Comillas, also known as Moja Palace, built in 1774 in neoclassical style.

1953 Belen Church in Barcelona La Rambla

The next stretch, La Rambla de las Flores or San José, is known for the flower market, the Boquería, and the Virreina Palace, where the city's giants, the oldest documented giants in Europe, are on permanent display.

As we indicated at the beginning of this text, we also find at La Rambla 35 the historic Tablao Flamenco Cordobes, and now, hand in hand with this, our new room: El Duende By Tablao Cordobes at La Rambla 33.

So, now we just have to start "rambling"... Yes, as they say, it is the most beautiful and historic promenade in the world, but it's up to you to check it out.

El Duende Show in La Rambla Barcelona

Experience El Duende, and Experience La Rambla.